I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


The Company You Keep

You’re known by the company you keep. You’re “guilty by association”. We’ve probably heard or used these phrases or similar ones. It is true how we spend our time and who we spend it with has a direct impact on…

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Hierarchy vs Hypocrisy And How It Relates To Easter

I’ve wanted to do a post for some time regarding the distinctions between hierarchy and hypocrisy. As I was preparing to write on this subject, I realized it would be going up during Easter week. I hesitated for a moment….

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The topic of revival has made headlines recently as students from all over are gathering for prayer, praise and worship on their college campuses and elsewhere. Their outpouring of faith and hunger for the presence of God inspires me. I…

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The Greatest Gift

Hey all! Please check out this promo for my special holiday video I just put up on my Rumble channel. As you may or may not know, I’m not always able to post full form videos here due to memory…

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Jesus In The Glove Box

This title may be my silliest yet. There’s a story behind it. (There’s always a story.) My parents donated to various Catholic organizations and charities. They would often receive little trinkets and such as thank you gifts. Because my parents…

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