I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


When Cutting Ties Cuts Deep

Until recently, I never gave much thought to how we use the terms cutting someone off or severing ties with a person. But as I was deciding this week’s blog topic, it struck me. Perhaps we use those terms because…

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Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

I had a really difficult time writing this article, mostly because The Clash’s song was swirling around in my head. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, look up the band’s song catalog. And how dare you. Just…

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I Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghost. I Live With One.

Am I the only one who as a child had a crush on Casper the friendly ghost? Not any live action version, I mean the original cartoon. Anyone? No one?! Anywho, when my Dad would decorate our home for Halloween,…

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Be The Court Jester And Nobody’s Fool

 Some people want to be kings. Others want to be queens. I’d rather be the court jester. To understand why I aspire to such a position, we need to first examine what the role of the court jester was throughout…

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Make Big Plans

I’d just finished my Chinese takeout with my family. As is my custom, I grabbed the fortune cookie facing toward me. Have you noticed the messages aren’t really fortunes these days? Sometimes they are odd statements or random thoughts, but…

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Do The Rules Apply?

In a recent conversation with a close friend I said something I’ve said many times over the past couple of years. Not thinking too much of it, I just continued talking. My dear friend stopped me and said, “Wait a…

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Jesus In The Glove Box

This title may be my silliest yet. There’s a story behind it. (There’s always a story.) My parents donated to various Catholic organizations and charities. They would often receive little trinkets and such as thank you gifts. Because my parents…

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Saved And Suicidal

Here’s a quick promo for my latest vlog titled “Saved And Suicidal”. https://rumble.com/v1kxfbp-saved-and-suicidal.html September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. I wanted to do my small part to help address this painful subject. In this video, I discuss my own struggles…

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May I See Some ID?

Here’s a short video promoting my latest vlog where I did a deep dive based on the first chapter of my recent book “I’m Not Crazy; I’m A Christian”. Who are you? How do you define or identify yourself? Tough…

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Why So Serious?

Here’s a quick video promo for my latest vlog. I’m doing another dive into one of the chapters from my book “I’m Not Crazy; I’m A Christian”. This time it’s all about Chapter 3 “Why So Serious?” Invite you to…

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