I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


Pick Me! Pick Me!

I was recently reminded of elementary school gym class. (No, I wasn’t having a nightmare or some PTSD-like flashback, but I can see why you might think that.) As you may recall, the teacher would often choose two captains and…

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Lose The Attitude…Unless It’s Gratitude

Attitudes. We all have them. Most of them are not so terrific. What if we determined to begin each day with a grateful, thankful heart? Would it make a difference? My attitude is pure gratitude for all of you! Due…

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The Why Of The What

In honor of my 20th consecutive blog post, I decided to do a special video version on the subject of uncovering our heart, mind and motivations behind what we do. The file size was too large for this platform, so…

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Your Lips Are Moving…But Nothing Else Is

I wonder how many songs have been written from the perspective of someone calling out someone else for saying one thing and doing another. Think about the number of times you’ve watched a scene in a movie or TV show…

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The Spirit Of The Age

Let me begin with a confession. I have never watched a single episode of the hit series Stranger Things. For some reason I tend to not participate in most hit show trends. I only watched one or two episodes of…

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You Were Meant For More

Charles Dickens is arguably most remembered for creating the character of Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge, as we all know if we’ve seen any version of Dickens’s A Christmas Carol over the years, is a man of great wealth, power and prestige….

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Humor. Heart. Hope.

In the famous 1996 movie Jerry Maguire the lead character played by Tom Cruise drafts a mission statement concerning his high-ranking position as an agent for professional athletes. He challenges the status quo by advocating for a more personal, intimate…

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Are You The Real Deal?

When I was growing up, there was a popular commercial for Memorex™ cassette tapes. (Yes, I am that old, but that’s not the point.) The tag line was, “Is it live or it is Memorex?” The campaign’s premise was that…

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The Power Of “No”

One of the first words most children learn to say is “no.” The reason could be because it’s easier to pronounce than “hydrangea” (which I can barely pronounce correctly now). It could also be because it is a word they…

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The Love Of A Father

This coming Sunday is Father’s Day. In honor of the occasion, I am dedicating this week’s blog post to the fathers, both natural and spiritual. What do I mean by that? Well, there are the fathers we have through birth…

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