I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


Finish What You Start

I don’t know how things worked in your household, but my parents were huge proponents of finishing what you started. This was especially true when it came to food on your plate. Mom often liked to say something like, “Take…

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Welcome To The Land Of Contradiction

Many years ago I proposed an idea for a skit. It was based on this concept of the Land of Contradiction. In the skit, a woman (probably played by me) would be sitting behind a computer with a headset on…

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Your Life Will Never Fit In A Box

Have you ever relocated or helped someone else with a move? To say it’s a physically, emotionally, and even spiritually draining task is an understatement. I recall the times when I would be packing up to come home from college…

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Zip Your Lip!

To speak, or not to speak, that is the question. Yes, that opening line was inspired by Shakespeare’s Hamlet. I’m a drama queen, remember? In the play Hamlet is contemplating whether “to be, or not to be” as in whether…

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