I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


Spiritual vs Spirit-filled

“I’m spiritual.” You may have heard someone say that phrase, or you might have used it at one time or another. This week we’re going to discuss if there is a difference between being Spiritual and being Spirit-filled. (Spoiler alert:…

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Be Humble, Help Others Not Stumble

Let me preface this piece by stating something I’ve declared in nearly every one of my 75 blog posts. (Did you catch the subtle flex in that sentence?) I am a resident expert on absolutely nothing. What I carry are…

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Dare To Be Different

I was a teenager in NY in the 1980s. In high school my favorite radio station was WLIR 92.7 FM. There may be some of you reading this who can’t imagine a time before Sirius XM, Spotify, Pandora, or any…

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Hierarchy vs Hypocrisy And How It Relates To Easter

I’ve wanted to do a post for some time regarding the distinctions between hierarchy and hypocrisy. As I was preparing to write on this subject, I realized it would be going up during Easter week. I hesitated for a moment….

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The Enemy Within

We’ve all probably heard the expression, “I’m my own worst enemy”. I’ve used it numerous times. In my case, it describes my tendency toward procrastination and self-sabotage. I don’t typically need any outside interference to block me from pursuing or…

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Jesus In The Glove Box

This title may be my silliest yet. There’s a story behind it. (There’s always a story.) My parents donated to various Catholic organizations and charities. They would often receive little trinkets and such as thank you gifts. Because my parents…

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Saved And Suicidal

Here’s a quick promo for my latest vlog titled “Saved And Suicidal”. https://rumble.com/v1kxfbp-saved-and-suicidal.html September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. I wanted to do my small part to help address this painful subject. In this video, I discuss my own struggles…

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May I See Some ID?

Here’s a short video promoting my latest vlog where I did a deep dive based on the first chapter of my recent book “I’m Not Crazy; I’m A Christian”. Who are you? How do you define or identify yourself? Tough…

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Religion vs. Relationship

Here’s a quick video from me promoting my third vlog. The topic this week is Religion vs. Relationship. Who will win? With everything going on in the world, many of us desire to connect or reconnect with something greater than…

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The Why Of The What

In honor of my 20th consecutive blog post, I decided to do a special video version on the subject of uncovering our heart, mind and motivations behind what we do. The file size was too large for this platform, so…

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