I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


Leave It All On The Field

If you’ve ever played a sport or been part of a team, you may have heard this phrase or a variation. It means to go out and give it your all. Do your very best. Try your hardest. Spare no…

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The Company You Keep

You’re known by the company you keep. You’re “guilty by association”. We’ve probably heard or used these phrases or similar ones. It is true how we spend our time and who we spend it with has a direct impact on…

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Hierarchy vs Hypocrisy And How It Relates To Easter

I’ve wanted to do a post for some time regarding the distinctions between hierarchy and hypocrisy. As I was preparing to write on this subject, I realized it would be going up during Easter week. I hesitated for a moment….

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Trad Life Is For The Meek, Not The Weak

Disclaimer: This week’s topic might stir up some controversy. Stop now if you think reading a different perspective on an issue will negatively impact you. Thanks. Being born in the late 60s, I had the unique distinction of being alive…

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Did You Understand The Assignment? Part 2: Judgment

Author’s note: Last week I wrote the first article in this two-part series. It covered the definition of and need for repentance. I recommend, if you haven’t already, please read it before going any further. It’s not that you can’t…

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Did You Understand The Assignment? Part 1: Repentance

As much as I do earn my nickname Kat Controversy, for the most part I am a rule follower. I suppose the rules just need to make sense to me in order to win my allegiance to them. But when…

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A Winter Of Discontent

(This article first appeared in Calla Press http://callapress.com back in November 2022. Encourage you to visit their site and check them out on Instagram @callapressandkin Great values. Great content.) If you ever studied Shakespeare in school, this title may sound…

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The End Of Innocence?

Recently, my niece and her young son came to visit. I found myself fixated on him, not because he’s incredibly sweet, funny, smart and adorable (which he is), but more because of his carefree attitude. After his initial shyness wore…

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It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye

This phrase is far more than the partial title of a famous song from Boyz II Men. It’s perhaps one of the most basic truths we encounter. Goodbyes can be rough. First, let me be clear, I’m not talking about…

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Pick Me! Pick Me!

I was recently reminded of elementary school gym class. (No, I wasn’t having a nightmare or some PTSD-like flashback, but I can see why you might think that.) As you may recall, the teacher would often choose two captains and…

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