I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


Naughty Or Nice?

As I write this, we are less than two weeks away from Christmas. The older I get the faster time seems to fly by. I remember when I was little it felt like an eternity between Halloween and Christmas. In…

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The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled…

Finish the quote. I bet you probably can. But just in case, and in the interest of time, here you go: …was convincing the world he didn’t exist. Though its origin isn’t from the movie The Usual Suspects, that film…

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Clinging To A Lie Rather Than Facing Truth

It’s been a minute since I posted here. I was taking a much-needed break and making memories with family and friends. I was also spending quality time in prayer and thoughtful meditation about many issues facing us today. Let me…

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Do We Need A Speakeasy To Speak Easy?

I was inspired to write this because I’m watching a country I love become less and less recognizable to me. I know that sounds dramatic, and perhaps it is. But what I’ve always loved about this country are the freedoms…

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Seeking Significance

As I begin this piece, I realize I may have addressed this area in one way or another in previous posts. I was prompted to write about it once again after experiencing a rather low point the last few days….

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When Social Contagion Consumes A Nation

Unless my math is incorrect (and it could be because I’m not great with numbers), this is my 60th blog post. Of all the topics I could choose to commemorate this historic occasion, I’ve chosen one which will definitely earn…

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Wait! It’s Just Click Bait.

We’ve probably all been there. Minding our own business, innocently scrolling through social media or emails, then something catches our eye. It might be a curious headline or graphic. Could be a pic of a celebrity we like with a…

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Service With A Smile: Legend Or History?

Editor’s note: Let me state up front I have great respect for those in customer service. I learned at an early age I wasn’t cut out for such work. I don’t have the grace and patience. This article is in…

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Happiness And Joy: One And The Same?

Let me begin by sharing what prompted my selection of topic this week. It all started with watching a short video. A young gentleman performed a skit where his friend (also played by him) came in and was complaining how…

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Oh Me! Oh My! What To Do About A.I.

Artificial Intelligence or A.I. is a fairly hot topic lately. And who doesn’t like seeing a video with Arnold Schwarzenegger playing Little Orphan Annie singing “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” to Joe Rogan as Daddy Warbucks? (And, yes, that…

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