I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian

Category: Blog

Meditations and Maritime Mayhem

In this fourth episode of my light-hearted series ” A Funny Thing Happened”, I share an unusual meditation experience and a fishing technique that may make a big splash (and not in a good way). Whether you laugh with me…

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Bird and the Bees

Welcome to episode 3 in my new series ” A Funny Thing Happened” where I’m sharing silly, funny stories and anecdotes from my experiences out in this world. No, this episode isn’t “the talk”, but the content may be just…

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Ladybugs and Laundromats

Welcome to episode 2 in my new series “A Funny Thing Happened” where I share stories from my adventures out in the wild (also known as our crazy world). How do ladybugs and laundromats intersect in my universe? Here’s a…

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Walmart Fires and Burps of Unknown Origins

I did it! After a long break from filming, I cut together my first episode in my new short video series: “A Funny Thing Happened”. This ep is titled: “Walmart Fire and Burps of Unknown Origins”. Here’s a clip from…

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Take Up Your Cross

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me…

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The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Patience is a virtue. Color me unvirtuous. It’s probably fitting I chose a Tom Petty lyric for this week’s title as I might be sounding a little petty. But I like to believe I say (or write) what other people…

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Spontaneous Blog Or Can You Handle Interruptions?

To keep things fresh, and as a writing exercise, I decided to write my blog this week without any preset topic or idea in mind. Writers are observers by nature. We see something and we become inspired. Once inspired, we…

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A Tale Of Two Faces or How God Changed Everything

I’m not sure how to begin telling this story. How do you summarize 18 months of change and the miraculous in your life? No idea but consider this my best effort. Let me begin by describing each picture. The first…

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Spiritual vs Spirit-filled

“I’m spiritual.” You may have heard someone say that phrase, or you might have used it at one time or another. This week we’re going to discuss if there is a difference between being Spiritual and being Spirit-filled. (Spoiler alert:…

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Be Humble, Help Others Not Stumble

Let me preface this piece by stating something I’ve declared in nearly every one of my 75 blog posts. (Did you catch the subtle flex in that sentence?) I am a resident expert on absolutely nothing. What I carry are…

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