Humor. Heart. Hope.

In the famous 1996 movie Jerry Maguire the lead character played by Tom Cruise drafts a mission statement concerning his high-ranking position as an agent for professional athletes. He challenges the status quo by advocating for a more personal, intimate approach between client and agent. He rocks the boat. It’s not spoiling anything to state that after sharing this revelation to others in his industry, things do not go well for him.  He’s a disruptor to their world, and many do their best to ruin him.

I was reminded of this great film as I was selecting my topic for this week’s blog post. A couple of years ago, as I began feeling it was time for me to pursue writing as a full-time gig rather than the dabbling I’ve done for decades, I thought about what my mission statement would be. I’d worked in marketing for various corporations for over 20 years, so I understood the significance of having one. It’s designed to create the foundation for the business or venture. It encompasses the ideals and principles that are being strived for in the new undertaking. Future strategies and business plans should be developed with the mission statement always in mind.

I spent time in prayer and contemplation. I knew there would be times where my writing would be strictly for enjoyment. But I wanted to have a purpose, a why to the what for the pieces I craft. I’ve said that sometimes when I’m writing it feels as if I’m taking dictation. I say a quick prayer and ask for guidance. The next thing I know I’ve typed several pages of content. It’s really quite exciting. I often do not know what to expect. It’s a way God uses to still surprise and shake up my overthinking-trying-to-figure-it-all-out-by-myself-all-the-time-brain.

Once my website was ready to launch, I decided I wanted to have a tagline underneath the URL whenever I posted. It had to be something catchy, memorable, but also relevant. (The advertiser in me came out in full force.) It came to me:

Humor.  Heart.  Hope.

The 3h’s as I call it. I liked it right away, but I wasn’t sure exactly what it meant. As I prayed about it, God showed me that it’s an abridged version of my mission statement. Allow me to elaborate.


I believe you should try and find the funny in life. It isn’t always easy to do, but it is so important for your sanity and well-being. It’s not just me that believes this. You know I brought receipts. (Any and all Bible verses, unless otherwise indicated, are from the NIV version at, emphasis added.)

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” (Psalm 126:2)

Laughter is seen as a symbol of God’s faithfulness. I love to laugh. Don’t you? It’s such a simple, healthy, stress-relieving measure. And is there anything more pure and wonderful than the sound of a child’s laugh?


I will admit that my humor tends to be sarcastic and self-deprecating by nature. That’s why it’s vital that I never lose sight of the heart in everything I write. I don’t want to laugh at someone. I’d much rather laugh with someone. Wouldn’t you? (Or we could both just laugh at me, I’m fine with that too.) What can happen when we treat someone’s heart with kindness and give them a dose of laughter? Check this out:

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22 NKJV)

Wait a minute. This verse says that a happy or cheerful heart has healing properties like medicine. In contrast, a broken spirit or heart can be quite destructive not only to our emotional and mental health, but to our physical bodies as well. We’ve probably all heard the phrase, “Stress kills.” I encourage you to do your own research on its effects on the body. (This isn’t science class after all.) I do feel confident, however, that we can all agree when our heart is happy, we feel better.

So far we’ve covered 2 of the 3 h’s of my mission statement. I want to lead with humor to make you smile and relax a bit. Once you’re feeling the funny, then it’s time to get to the heart of the matter. This is where I share whatever God has been showing me and speaking to my heart. I’m not foolish or prideful enough to believe that His Words and life lessons are solely for me. They are for anyone who is willing to take the time to listen and, perhaps, learn from them.

Now we come to the final h:


My one niece always says I need a happy ending to every story or movie. She’s correct. (Perhaps that’s why I like Jerry Maguire so much.) My philosophy is that the world is filled with disappointments, rejections, and sad or bad endings. If I’m paying good money to watch something, I want to leave happy or at least with a glimmer of hope.

This is my goal with everything I write. After we’ve shared a few laughs, gone deep and gotten to the heart of the matter, I want to finish off with a touch of hope. No, I’m not a peddler of hopium with its warped sense of reality and false promises. Everything may not be OK. Things may not work out the way you want. But God is for you, so even when it seems sideways and twisted, He can turn it right-side up and make it straight again. It may not look like how you pictured it, but it can still be beautiful.

Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord. (Psalm 31:24)

Now you know my mission statement.

I have a good friend who has known me for over 20 years. She often says that I am a disruptor. I challenge the status quo concerning faith and religion. My goal is never to start trouble. It’s simply to get back to basics:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

It doesn’t get more basic and to the heart of the matter than that.

I may not be able to show you the money or be your ambassador of quan, but if you enjoy real talk with: humor, heart, and hope, you should keep coming back.

Until next time: stay happy, stay healthy, stay in the know.

Look forward to hearing from you,



2 Comments on “Humor. Heart. Hope.

  1. Growing up in California and working in Hollywood, I can personally tell you there is NO place more superstitious than Hollywood. Not even sports. Death comes in threes there, at the top of Capitol Records (where I worked) there was no thirteenth floor, only the Penthouse, and the rumor of the Tower was that the building was built on rollers to withstand earthquakes causing destruction and death! I was there when a large quake occurred and was walking across the parking lot when someone I worked with looked at me and said, “Wow, that’s a strong one!” I looked up at the building and, trust me, the tower sucked in on itself, then spread back apart.
    I normally believe in signs from God and that He has acted in my life and things never go well if I don’t pay attention!

    • P.I.
      Thanks so much for commenting. I am SURE that Hollywood is incredibly superstitious. I always love how certain buildings refuse to have a 13th floor, so they’ll just renumber the floors, or in the case of Capitol, have a penthouse. It’s technically STILL the 13th floor no matter what you call it.

      That sounds scary about the large earthquake – one of many reasons I’ll stay on the East Coast. We just have hurricanes, Noreasters, tornadoes. But not so much on the earthquake front. I DID feel a tremor one day. That was crazy weird. At first I thought it was an 18-wheeler or a large aircraft in the area. Found out later it wasn’t.

      What did you do over at Capitol Records? Did you leave to return to writing? So many questions.

      Thanks again. Look forward to hearing from you.

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